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Ilmuwan NASA jelajahi energi gelap – waktu untuk mengerjakan ulang teori gravitasi Albert Einstein?

Ilmuwan NASA jelajahi energi gelap – waktu untuk mengerjakan ulang teori gravitasi Albert Einstein?

Klarifikasi Energi Gelap

Ilustrasi energi gelap. Kredit: Visualisasi oleh Frank Summers, Institut Sains Teleskop Luar Angkasa. Simulasi oleh Martin White, UC Berkeley dan Lars Hernquist, Universitas Harvard

Bisakah salah satu misteri terbesar dalam astrofisika dipecahkan dengan memparafrasekan teori gravitasi Albert Einstein? Belum, menurut sebuah studi baru yang dia tulis bersama[{” attribute=””>NASA scientists.

The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, and physicists don’t know why. This phenomenon seems to contradict everything scientists understand about gravity’s effect on the cosmos: It’s as if you threw an apple in the air and instead of coming back down, it continued upward, faster and faster. The cause of the cosmic acceleration, dubbed dark energy, remains a mystery.

A new study marks the latest effort to determine whether this is all simply a misunderstanding: that expectations for how gravity works at the scale of the entire universe are flawed or incomplete. This potential misunderstanding might help researchers explain dark energy. However, the study – one of the most precise tests yet of Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity at cosmic scales – finds that the current understanding still appears to be correct. The study was from the international Dark Energy Survey, using the Victor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope in Chile.

The results, authored by a group of scientists that includes some from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), were presented Wednesday, August 24, at the International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology (COSMO’22) in Rio de Janeiro. The work helps set the stage for two upcoming space telescopes that will probe our understanding of gravity with even higher precision than the new study and perhaps finally solve the mystery.

Webb SMACS 0723

This image – the first released from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope – shows the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. Some of the galaxies appear smeared or stretched due to a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. This effect can help scientists map the presence of dark matter in the universe. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

More than a century ago, Albert Einstein developed his Theory of General Relativity to describe gravity. Thus far it has accurately predicted everything from the orbit of Mercury to the existence of black holes. But some scientists have argued that if this theory can’t explain dark energy, then maybe they need to modify some of its equations or add new components.

To find out if that’s the case, members of the Dark Energy Survey looked for evidence that gravity’s strength has varied throughout the universe’s history or over cosmic distances. A positive finding would indicate that Einstein’s theory is incomplete, which might help explain the universe’s accelerating expansion. They also examined data from other telescopes in addition to Blanco, including the ESA (European Space Agency) Planck satellite, and reached the same conclusion.

Einstein’s theory still works, according to the study. So no there’s no explanation for dark energy yet. However, this research will feed into two upcoming missions: ESA’s Euclid mission, slated for launch no earlier than 2023, which has contributions from NASA; and NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, targeted for launch no later than May 2027. Both telescopes will search for changes in the strength of gravity over time or distance.

Blurred Vision

How do scientists know what happened in the universe’s past? By looking at distant objects. A light-year is a measure of the distance light can travel in a year (about 6 trillion miles, or about 9.5 trillion kilometers). That means an object one light-year away appears to us as it was one year ago, when the light first left the object. And galaxies billions of light-years away appear to us as they did billions of years ago. The new study looked at galaxies stretching back about 5 billion years in the past. Euclid will peer 8 billion years into the past, and Roman will look back 11 billion years.

The galaxies themselves don’t reveal the strength of gravity, but how they look when viewed from Earth does. Most matter in our universe is dark matter, which does not emit, reflect, or otherwise interact with light. While physicists don’t know what it’s made of, they know it’s there, because its gravity gives it away: Large reservoirs of dark matter in our universe warp space itself. As light travels through space, it encounters these portions of warped space, causing images of distant galaxies to appear curved or smeared. This was on display in one of first images released from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

Video ini menjelaskan fenomena yang disebut pelensaan gravitasi, yang dapat membuat gambar galaksi tampak terdistorsi atau tercoreng. Distorsi ini disebabkan oleh gravitasi, dan para ilmuwan dapat menggunakan efeknya untuk mendeteksi materi gelap, yang tidak memancarkan atau memantulkan cahaya. Kredit: Pusat Penerbangan Luar Angkasa Goddard NASA

Ilmuwan Survei Energi Gelap melihat gambar galaksi untuk distorsi yang lebih halus karena ruang pembengkokan materi gelap, efek yang disebut lemah lensa gravitasi. Gaya gravitasi menentukan ukuran dan distribusi struktur materi gelap, dan ukuran dan distribusi, pada gilirannya, menentukan seberapa terdistorsi galaksi-galaksi ini bagi kita. Beginilah cara gambar dapat mengungkapkan gaya gravitasi pada jarak yang berbeda dari Bumi dan pada waktu yang jauh sepanjang sejarah alam semesta. Kelompok ini sekarang telah mengukur bentuk lebih dari 100 juta galaksi, dan sejauh ini, pengamatannya sesuai dengan prediksi teori Einstein.

“Masih ada ruang untuk menantang teori gravitasi Einstein, karena pengukuran menjadi lebih akurat,” kata rekan penulis studi Agnes Ferti, yang melakukan penelitian sebagai peneliti postdoctoral di JPL. “Tapi masih banyak yang harus kami lakukan sebelum kami siap untuk Euclid dan Roman. Jadi sangat penting bagi kami untuk terus berkolaborasi dengan para ilmuwan di seluruh dunia dalam masalah ini seperti yang kami lakukan dengan survei energi gelap.”

Referensi: “Hasil Survei Energi Gelap Tahun Ketiga: Batasan Ekstensi untuk CDM dengan Lensa Lemah dan Gugus Galaksi” Oleh Kolaborasi DES: TMC Abbott, M. Aguena, A. Alarcon, O. Alves, A. Amon, J. Annis, S . Avila, D. Bacon, E. Baxter, K. Bechtol, M. R. Becker, G. M. Bernstein, S. Birrer, J. Blazek, S. Bocquet, A. Brandao-Souza, S. L. Bridle, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, H. Camacho, a. Campos, A.; Carneiro-Roussell, M. Carrasco-Kinde, J. Carretero, F.J. Castander, R. Cawthon, C. Chang, A. Chen, R. Chen, A. Choi, C. Consullis, J. Cordero, M.Costanzi, M. Crocce, LN da Costa, MES Pereira, C. Davis, T.M. Davis, J. DeRose, S. Desai, E. Di Valentino, H.T. Diehl, S. Dodelson, P. Doel, C. Doux, A. Drlica-Wagner, K. Eckert, T. F. Eifler, F. Elsner, J. Elvin-Poole, S. Everett, X. Fang, A. Farahi, I. Ferrero, A. Ferté, B. Flaugher , P Fosalba, D. Friedel, O. Friedrich, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, M. Gatti, L. Giani, T. Giannantonio, G. Giannini, D. Gruen, R. R. Gruendl, J. Gschwend, G. Gutierrez , N. Hammos, I. Harrison, W. G. Hartley, K. Herner, SR Hinton, DL; Honshed, H. Huang, M. Hof, de Hutterer, B. Jane, D.J. James, M. Jarvis, N. Jeffrey, T. Geltima, A. Kovacs, Cross, K. Cohn, N.; Kuropatkin, O. Lahav, S.; Lee, P.-F. Leggett, B. Lemus, CD Leonard, AR Liddell, M. Lima, H. Lynn, N. McCran, J.L. Marshall, J. McCullough, J. Mina Fernandez, F. Minanto, R. Mikel, V. Miranda, J. J. Mohr, J. Muir, J. Miles, S. Nadthor, A. Navarro-Alsina, RC Nicoll, RLC Uganda, Y. Aomori, A. Palmis, S Pandey, Y Park, M Paterno, F Paz-Chinchon, WG Percival, A Perez, AA Plazas Malagon, A Buridon, J Pratt, M ​​​​Raveri, M Rodriguez-Monroy, B Rogozinski, RP Rollins, AK Romer Rodman, A. R. Rosenfeld, A. J. Ross, A. Rykoff, dan S. Rodman. Samorov, C. Sanchez, E. Sanchez, J. Sanchez, dan Dr. , M. Smith, M. Soares-Santos, E. Suchyta, M. Tabbutt, G. Tarle, D. Thomas, C. To, A. Troja, M. A. Troxel, I. Tutusaus, T. N. Varga, M. Vincenzi, AR Walker, N. Weverdick, R.H. Wechler, J. Wheeler, P. Yanni, P. Yin, Y. Zhang dan J. Zontz, 12 Juli 2022, Tersedia di sini. Astrofisika > Kosmologi dan astrofisika non-galaksi.
arXiv: 2207.05766

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